
Germany wasn't allowed to have an army after WW1 but looked what happens. If Japan wants an aircraft carrier I say let them (even Japan let itself). They are not the same anymore. Without sounding too much like a weirdo but that is one fine looking ship

My mistake was doing 13.5 mile runs everyday for a month and a half. I then tried a 20 miler and it destroyed my shins. Out for 6 weeks.

Like always when people are talking about specs I have no clue what's going on. Is this good?

Same. Clearly the "Man of Steel" was that bad it killed the extension

The dam thing is a Tardis I swear. Putting down Time Lord on my CV

Please tell us a bad night out story that one have you has done

So it is like happy slapping

I totally agree with you. They have done some BS way of saying "o not all of them have died" completely ruining the emotional impact I2's good ending had. Bit like the one emotional bit in the Avengers being ruined by the fact he survived and is now a TV show with him in it.

I feel you are not the target audience then. I think this looks interesting.

Maybe you are out of touch. I personally do not get home but essentially it is a virtual life people experience and for people his age these experiences are always interesting.

Don't compare them but also think of the saying; "History is written by the victors". Russia and Britain were equally as bad and are often forgotten about. Also bad is subjective. Is killing people bad or is torture/staving to death also as bad. Staving to death is really horrible but so is sleep deprivation (America

I think you should read up on the subject. If you want the original type talk to the British (made them first. Go us :/). While Germany were doing their thing (effectively), Russia was doing theirs (very effective). Lets not forget America, kind of, has one up and running now. Remember N Korea isn't trying to just

No as IT MAKE NO DIFFERENCE. Honestly anyone who says X is better for FPS (or whatever) is kidding themselves. I have played both. The feel is almost identical. Just petty online rubbish

Like everyone says what exposure. Only people on sites like this (who don't watch glee) will know. Fox have made no effort to tell their audience this. Naughty Fox

Adverts are there to inform not mislead. This advert was misleading consumers. The don't have to tell them everything but they are not allowed to mislead the consumers.

" They had god knows how many people's personal info, and lost all of it." I think you will find the answer to that is none. They (ICO) believe it (the information) MAY have been LOOKED at. But NO information was stolen

He can also climb landers with his shield.

It is free to play (I think). It being 99p would distract a lot of people but buying coins to make it easier is very profitable and seeming free to start with is a big sell.

Which highlights the backward thinking people have with the second amendment. I understand why it was included back in 1787 when the US had no formal military so needed to protect itself and was a new country so easily could turn into a dictatorship. But things have changed in the Western World. The last one was

Which highlights the backward thinking people have with the second amendment. I understand why it was included back in 1787 when the US had no formal military so needed to protect itself and was a new country so easily could turn into a dictatorship. But things have changed in the Western World. The last one was