
That being said, it's definitely on the way out.

I always loved this tribute album. I lost it in the 90's, and every so often I want to hear it, but never quit find a copy on the internet.

"Coming to IP Law"

Rick Moran1s.
Because "Honey I Burned the Birth Certificate"

I can't wait to hear the sound track (by Philip Glass) to the movie adaptation of the graphic novel, based on a true story from the mind of Philip K. Dick

Jar Jar Binks.
'Nuff said.

"Take things a little less seriously, and life will be far more enjoyable."
(it was a joke…yeesh, I suppose you're the type of person that needs "SARCASM" alerts)


Whoah buddy. Settle down. There's no reason to threaten me with violence for saying you're lazy ;-)

You can't move two pages on the internet without finding some lazy person calling himself Heisenberg, with a photo of Walt as their profile pic.

"Despite the false translation proffered by Game Of Thrones, the mysterious Valyrian phrase “Valar Morghulis” actually means “All Men Must Get Used To Never Getting Another Book From Me, George R.R. Martin.”

This HAS to be an April Fool's joke.

Oh man, I love Pisces. I could listen to that album for days

No more half measures Walt.

I'm sorry, but 'IT Crowd towers over BBT.

"That boy is unbalanced!"

Oh, man… I love both of those shows so much! Yet another reason to be outraged (along with It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)

I reject this entire list based on the principle that "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" wasn't mentioned. Wild card bithes!!!!!

Man I love the fact that A.V. Club provided links. I'm probably even more grateful to the commenters with their own lists. Over the years I've been turned on to more amazing bands in comments than I have with high-profile blog/website posts like this.

What can I say, I'm old-fashioned like that.
because: don't care