tea cup

yep i agree that the case was a bummer. at the beginning i had hoped that Watson and Holmes would have some conversations about god or ghosts (because i always wondered whether Joan is an atheist or a believer) but ugh we got to see some terrorists and useless box instead. so many missed opportunities!! but overall

elementary cases are so goddamn boring jezuz crisp.

As show went for a long hiatus it would be much better if the episode ended with a cliffhanger to keep viewers intrigued.

am i the only one who disliked this episode? surely i love seeing characters' development and the chemistry between H&W, but the case of the week was kinda meh (i believe Castle had an episode which involved cryonics too). when Sherlock found those frozen bodies i hoped this is going to be some intelligent mass

what about Moriarty?

But look how the show got better without kitty's boring drama. I mean seriously. The case of the week didn't hold my interest much but i'll never get tired watching Holmes&Watson 's interactions. Love how Joan nailed the door shut.