tea cup

true, but still makes no sense why people keep saying this since Jonny is obviously NOT bald in T2

probably just caught cold. i hope he's ok.

who the hell is Billy Bob Miller ?

season 1.

what kind of sick mind would suggest that Sherlock is the father of Kitty's baby?

Aren't Gregson or Bell curious why Sherlock's head is shaved? Could've asked him at some point, idk. JLM's head shape is pretty nice but his calvity is so dazzling and distracting to me, I could hardly keep tabs on the plot lol.

I think she might be bored with this awful writing as much as viewers. Can't really blame her for that.

Agree. Those writers don't deserve him.

All of the writers and showrunner need to be fired immediately and replaced with people who actually can do their job properly, if you ask me.

except of Robert Carlyle.

Why would they want him bald to promote the movie? Doesn't make any sense.

His head-shaving has nothing to do with Trainspotting 2.

well no one watches procedurals for murders themselves.

i enjoy reading your reviews cuz i feel your pain lol. i want to love the show but plots are so freakin boring - nothing happened in the last couple of seasons. how those writers even got their jobs is the biggest mystery of all.

personally i've watched many procedurals and i can surely say that Elementary's murders of the week are the most boring and lifeless ones.

lol, true. i still watch the show only because of him

wait… when did Bell's brother get murdered?

Surprised to see this kind of article, I couldn't care less about Margaery to be honest. She is nothing but an annoying screentime filler imho. No kidding, everytime she's on screen I have the urge to fastforward the show - this is how much I'm bored by scenes with her.

or to be recast with anyone who can actually act

Good review. All I can say is that I'm tired of being frustrated about Elementary writing so i'll be trying to percieve this show ironically and not to take it seriously. What a mess. I'd give this episode D- or F if I could.