
Here’s a link to the old gawker twitter bot which shows who is probably tweeting what. I reference it all the time! Check it out.

cool bass shred

Sarah Silverman


Great view. A+.

Omaha. A cold tundra where Saab 9000s grow old in midtown driveways.

That’s the wagon, right?

This is good.

Don’t knock Costco. Drove my Alfa Romeo Milano there the other week and someone left a “Cool Alfa!” note under the windshield.


Thanks for putting these up. They’re fun.

I’ve done OSD as well with my V70 and they discounted the price heavily. Perhaps it’s changed since then, but they did it in 2010.

I have a drug problem and slipped in 2016. Doh.

Lawrence, Richie, Peter Bros., Wilson Thomas are on our state’s Mt. Rushmore.

Weird. I always thought when I drove by the one on Mayfield that I was in Cleveland. I must have been wrong.

I passed this article no less than three times while my phone was in inverse color mode and read the headline as “Chili,” passing over it each time. Once my fiancé fell asleep I walked into the kitchen, flipped it to regular mode, saw the picture and thought “oh cool, a dog!”

Truly incredible. Thank you.

It is a bit fancy of a word, I guess.


I fucking hate that. Are they purposely obtuse to the idea of what tolerance means or do they actually not get it?