I am Marsupial!

I watched and this was still a tremendous help to me. I was fuzzy on some of the details. But I totally agree...Kellee was eliminated because she was a threat. No other reason. The tactics they used were disgusting and vile and I also felt bad for Dan for half a second. Mainly because this could have had real world

This is an excellent telling of what happened, and I wish it wasn’t buried in the comments. 

I doubt he wants help. One of the defining traits of narcissists is that they don’t think there is any room for improvement so they usually dismiss any suggestions about changing their ways

You deserve all the stars for breaking this down so clearly! 

You nailed it. I never felt bad for Dan though.

Internalized misogyny, institutionalization of oppressive norms, and gaslighting. It’s how there are women Republicans.

Women really are socialized in some ways to be especially harsh to each other in order to prove legitimacy in mixed gendered leadership. So, the lesson to talk to your daughter about is how the

I am mainly horrified by Elizabeth, and to some extent Missy, for either lying or exaggerating how Dan made them feel uncomfortable, as part of their game play. That is simply unacceptable. You CANNOT lie about that, in any situation. It is why women are afraid to come forward in the first place, and why they aren’t

Completely agree. It was something that Jack assumed was a harmless joke that maybe wasn’t so harmless in the eyes of Jamal. It was a good learning point for him and I loved the way it was handled and shown. Everyone came out looking good.

There are a couple of things to bear in mind about the actual votes. One can argue that the edit is being manipulative, but given the heavy emphasis put on Dan’s actions, it doesn’t make all that much sense to then lie about the motivations.

have you looked at ANY of the responses online to this episode? universally people are siding with kellee, janet, and jamal. i come from a very conservative family and even they all agreed that dan is gross and missy & elizabeth acted reprehensibly. i think you’re creating a strawman w/r/t viewers of the show. the

I’ve been watching since S1- I even applied to be a castaway for the first season despite being too young at the time- and this is the first season where I’ve been truly unable to connect with the cast. They all just bored me to tears. Then this all happened and I’m completely disgusted instead of apathetic toward

It’s not the best possible outcome, certainly. But to be honest I’m surprised they even went as far as they did instead of keeping their heads buried in the sand.

Gah that was awful to watch and I agree the production/editing should have done so much differently.

So yeah, the episode featured no outrage and no cries of racism resulting from the dumb comment, but rather an actual discussion between the two people regarding why calling the buff a durag was insulting, followed by apologies and handshakes, and no Jeff Probst proclaiming “that’s how you play this game”.

I feel like you’re making this a bigger deal than it was. The show makes it pretty clear that Jack did the right thing here.

And not just any wild dandelions, Jackson Hole wild dandelions. Wealth-adjacent weeds are better.

The only one outraged is you my guy. Jack himself acknowledged it was wrong and both guys resolved it with a great conversation. Hell Jack is still a fan favorite. I’m sorry you’re that fragile though

Should I feel bad for him? Because I kind of do (and for the nanny). This simply is not that scandalous to me, and I think it’s sort of embarrassing that she is so immature and making a public spectacle of it all. So the nanny thought your husband was hot - who cares?! Ugh.

“by mistake”

I’d fire her- there’s just no excuse for that degree of technological incompetence.