
I just hope they’ve secured excellent financial counsel. As long as they can trust someone to keep their money safe, the adults in the family can concentrate on helping the kids work through their feelings and make the best of their new opportunities.

Sadly, if my dad was murdered in cold blood by the police I’m sure I would find myself in a lot of trouble in my formative years. I hope not. That’s more enough to move the family out of nyc and get full rides for all their kids to college. But money can't buy peace or the trust of the people who were mean to keep you

I respect your desire to respect those involved.

If it’s a Blind Item you have to give better clues!

This needs more stars. It’s also likely the closest explanation to the truth. I will say that R&B is a lot closer to a product than an art form now, and it’s hard to break out from the corporate mold and do your own thing, but with these pretty much established people, they shouldn’t have attempted to go this route,

I needed some Titus this morning. <3

If you start something you gotta finish it!

tupac is pregnant w matt damon’s baby

whats a planet

Gee, if only GM had a site covering the probe.

Two words, viral video.

For the first time in my life, I have FIRST HAND CELEBRITY GOSSIP!!!! My boyfriend was at a restaurant in LA and he sat next to a pretty famous actor and his non-famous wife and their extended family and she was totally pregnant and this is not public knowledge at all, and I just had to share it with someone because

I spent $40 on a serta memory foam dog bed this weekend and now my dogs have a nicer bed then I do. Of course they still sleep in mine. Such is life.

“If Harley got something from Joker, she’d probably cherish it,” Robbie told the magazine, adding that she feeds Rat Rat organic berries from Whole Foods.

Just in time to tie in my new single, Don’t Make Eye Contact.

Now playing

Well... I mean... he kinda kickstarted his career singing on public transit so why not go with what works, I guess?

I am currently experiencing overwhelming amounts of secondhand cringe