
Hey. Hey! Even I have some standards!

“Our boyfriend...”? Go on...

Ahh, so they put the Algebra textbook inside of the pants. Now that’s clever.

You work at a place that gives bonus checks? Worth the regular boners.

And I will shoot that video on a ruggedized smart phone.


Don’t want to follow employment laws? Then get out of the health care and education and adoption fields, stick to operating your religious institutions, and employ no one who isn’t actively involved in your ministry. We don’t need you. Really, we don’t. Frankly, most of us would be better off if you weren’t around to

Believing that every human person has God-given worth’

How does one take away the agency of a woman 15 years dead?

I must be so naive, because when you first said “his friend ended up taking her home” I thought you mean took her to her house so she could sleep it off, not took advantage of her himself. Because surely the majority of guys would see what was wrong and do the right thing in that kind of situation.

Now playing

Everyone seems to gloss over the fact that the pivotal “romantic” scene from Gone With the Wind was a date rape.

I’m not sure there is a better argument for the need for facial hair for some men than in Kit Harrington.

at the same time.

I learned a long time ago to never offer to go above and beyond for a customer, because THIS SHIT always happens. Sometimes, people would be really grateful for the small things. Usually it went like this:

Venti half-caff, half soy half half-and-half, triple shot, carmel in the cup, two thirds chai, one third latte with 5 pumps of sugar free vanilla, 3 hazelnut, two mocha, 1.5 white mocha, whipped cream in a rosette pattern, whispered lovingly to by a virgin in a monogrammed thermos.

I guess he was... friendly about it?
*puts on shades*

Once, someone was ordering a LARGE number of coffees or something for their office. Something like $200, and it was going to take a while. I offered to make them a free drink, since they were nice and being patient and stuff like that. BIG MISTAKE, as they took a deep breath, and starting going down the “venti

I was trying to explain to my English husband about what Friendly’s was- basically a place with rocking grilled cheese sandwiches and ALL THE ICE CREAM YOU COULD EVER WANT in a variety of forms. LOVE Friendly’s.

10/10 would bang all iterations.