
And Run to You! Everyone forgets that one too.

"You're my mother?" asked the nanite.

The apocalypse was a computer simulation.

The android learned to keep secrets.

I was just going to ask if there are places one can still do this. I wouldn't mind doing it for an afternoon just to see what it was like. Where do you prospect?

This is not an appropriate question but it's one I've wonder for YEARS. How does The Thing's penis work? Like, is he smooth like a Ken doll or is his penis made of rocks too? Can his rock-penis still orgasm?

These are awesome! Really great quality work. I'm about 3 or 4 months away from needing some cover art. You'll be the first I contact when I'm ready. Keep up the good work.

Well, now that you mention it...

I've seen so many queer anthologies crowdfunding, many of them successful, and it has made me want to really put effort into my own writing and self publish. Like most, self-doubt is my greatest enemy, but articles like this are encouraging to me.

OH NO! When I read that I just knew that she was cast as Mrs Potts and I was prematurely excited, now I'm disappointed.

Hi! So, I watched Last Airbender, LOVED IT, but I haven't watched Legend of Korra. Would you mind spoiling what happens to Cabbage Man?

Sí! Disfruté is the 1st person preterite, meaning "I enjoyed", the informal singular command would be 'disfruta' and the formal singular command would be 'disfrute'.

Sorry, but until people start becoming addicted to VR because they are using it for sex, which is really what people would use it for, they haven't done it.

I think part of the reason I focus on the other aspects is because the financial ones secretly worry me so much. I was reading on one small business website that I should have 2 years operating expenses before opening. If that's the case, I doubt my "dream" will ever come to fruition.

Thank you for your point of view! The place I worked at the longest was a small business with 6 employees, only 2 with children. One had a child that was in pre-k, but had her parents to help her out with after school care or in case he had to stay home due to illness. The other was a single mother but her son was in

Hi! So, the article about the manager who was mean to coworkers who were parents until she became one has me thinking. What about in say, the hospitality field where second shifts are quite common. How does a manager be accommodating to workers with children when the position is from say 2 or 3pm until 10pm? Which is

It probably has to do with his third album going #1 last week on the Billboard charts with 173,000 sales. His first album sold 87k the first week, his second album sold 72k the first week. I'm not really familiar with his music so I can't say if this current album is any better than the previous ones, however, it has

Ok, please tell me where I was scapegoating Black people? For the record, I am a Black person. I'm a Black person who would like to see more diversity on television and film and that includes more than just Black people. If that is upsetting to you, then I don't know what to tell you.

In OiTNB he has sex with Daya, an inmate. Inmates can not consent to sex with guards, so it is rape.

I am all for diversity on television and film. I just wish it were more... diverse. Usually diverse means "black people" but what about Latinos and Asians. I'm really excited for Empire's success but there are other races who don't see themselves reflected on tv. And it needs to be meaningful representation, not just