***My Roommate Linda Converted To Judaism From Home And Now Makes $678/week***
***My Roommate Linda Converted To Judaism From Home And Now Makes $678/week***
Sure. Let’s blame Donald Trump on black people.
Honestly, it’s because those people are actually kind of racist and sexist and the whole thing. They’re not aggressively hateful, and they wouldn’t say anything horrible just out of nowhere, but at the end of the day, they just sort of agree that black people aren’t as good as white people and that women have no…
It’s similar (in a non-racist way) to how some Sanders supporters claim that Hillary has somehow bought the mainstream media, even to the point of paying pro-Clinton shills to occupy the comment sections of Gawker. I keep saying, if that’s true, how can I get myself some of that money? Rigt now, I’m siding with her…
Don’t forget, he also says what everyone else is thinking...
This is the part I can’t get over. The two big things his people seem to like about him are that he isn’t a lying politican and he tells it like it is. Instead, he’s a dishonest, con man who “tells it like it is” when they agree with him but “didn’t really mean that” when they don’t.
Yeah, my wife and son are Jewish, so I can’t wait until they get in on that. I’m ready to be assistant to the world leaders.
That’s why we made his daughter marry a Jew and convert. We control him now.
don’t forget Hollywood. We control that too. Heck, our small minority which is centered on the coasts controls everything!
I heard someone interviewed on NPRfrom Orange County CA (where Trump just appeared at a rally) and she was saying things like “I drive around and see .. well I can’t say it ... American has gone downhill....people without driver’s license and people getting free stuff.” Yeah, she can’t say that she’s seeing nonwhites…
Off-topic, but I’m pretty sure that knife was literally stolen from a Power Ranger.
In one breath, they tell you that he’s just saying what he has to to pander to Those Other People, and in the next breath, they like him because he tells it like it is.
The terrified-cracker contingent is perfectly willing to condone the hate speech & the white-supremacist pals, because it doesn’t affect THEM, as long as he makes the empty promises they want to hear. Siege mentality.
I was endlessly amused by Drumpf ranting that questions about her background and family or his background and family were totally out of bounds, considering his current foray into the political began with incessant fabrications about Barack Obama’s family and background.
Again... they know his daughter, son-in-law, and 3 grandchildren are Jewish, right?
Yeah, I understand Trump hits the right notes with the poor white communities in the United States, but how could anyone stomach supporting a candidate who collects so many racist, xenophobic, sexist, Islamophobic assholes like Trump? I know some Trump supporters in my home state, and I was honestly surprised because…
It does help. Those black helicopters don’t come cheap.
Anna. It’s okay. Next time I go to the monthly meeting of the Elders, I’ll be sure to ask for some of our brethren and sistren in the banking sector to give you some of our secret money that we steal every month from the Christians in America. That should help.
It’s perfectly understandable why Trump hates the Jews. Jews have big noses, big noses mean big fingers. My own fingers are so luxuriously big, when Bernie sees them he wants to break them up. Trump could build a wall around them, and they would still be reaching over that wall to steal jobs.