
Hillary is that you?

If they went with a square design, you’d think it was boring. But you must hate every post containing Apple so carry on.

I dunno, looks nice to me.

The ironic and sad part is... every manufacturer will copy all that within 3 years of Apple doing it :’D

“Spaceship Campus” indeed... I double checked and I’m still sure there is something wrong with the scale though... anybody out there to correct me?

Again, it’s like saying a woman is ugly because all you see is her skeleton and some muscles, but no skin, hair etc. Listen if you said, I saw the finished concept and think it’s ugly, that’s a valid opinion. to look at the pictures above and say, it’s an ugly building is absolute nonsense and you’re not fooling

Ah, I get it— You must be a fan of Frank Gehry— over designed, ugly buildings.

But its so trendy to needlessly hate Apple on a Gawker site.

ICYMI, this is as pretty as a four-story, 2.8 million square foot building can look.

Ah, the old “cheese was discovered by accident when storing milk in an animal stomach” story again? Here is a better history of the origin of cheese: