
I’m on the DS train but in a Sultai brew. Basically ripping off the Grixis list but with Goyf instead of Tas, and a little more delirium-heavy. Very fun, very consistent!

I mean, it was definitely a combination. But agreed that Probe played a large part as well.

Somewhere, Anderson Cooper is rolling his eyes.

This was constructed. My deck was somewhat of a brew, Grixis Control with some personal tweaks. Guy had just a terrible GB deck that he insisted was perfect, as usual.

Burn has been huge lately with the emergence of DS. I play DS myself now, but in a Sultai shell, and gotta say I really do hate that matchup.

Been wanting to brew a UWx hate bears with MM but never got around to it. Reflector, Queller, and more tempo fun?

I actually went to a tournament once. Beat a gentleman who was at least 20 years old and he proceeded to hit himself in the head then tell me he could be pro if he wanted, I got lucky, etc. I decided then that I was happy with my small playgroup.

Haha, sorry to hear that. Are you still playing it in Modern despite Fatal Push?

Oh geez. This tough guy hates on the Magic nerds but loves his eSports content.

To be fair, Modern has never been more fun. While Death’s Shadow is heavily played, decks like Storm, Skred Red, and even UWx Control are having plenty of success. With old staples still competing and Infect basically dead, I’m having quite a bit of fun with the 3 people I allow to see me play MtG.

Ugh I came here to post this and now you posted this and so I can’t post this.

I’m guilty of saying this and, for the most part, retract that sentiment. I really do despise him as a person, though, and vow to do any stat-manipulation possible to fit my narrative that he sucks bad.

Good job you won!

I clicked this fully expecting it not to be THAT good (since someone else here recently pointing me toward Lil Boat’s recent video and that one was butt, sorry). But this is amazing and I’m sharing it with everyone and thank you and I’m going to watch it again now.

I’m all about being happy but this song is butt.

Oh gosh.

Sorry are you saying this is a dumb movie?

I expected him to at least sound intelligent and/or charismatic. But he’s one of those people who ends every sentence as if he’s asking me a question? But like he really isn’t? It’s just how he talks? He isn’t confident enough to say anything assertively? IDK.

In what planet/galaxy/continent/world/existence?

Which half of their lineup were they resting? Bc it wasn’t the starting half. Warriors got absolutely murdered in that game.