I fantasize about Nancy Grace being horrifically murdered, and her family having to deal with some scumbag sensationalizing it for profit.
I fantasize about Nancy Grace being horrifically murdered, and her family having to deal with some scumbag sensationalizing it for profit.
This dude not only works for Peter Thiel, he’s the brother of Bret Weinstein, the biology professor from Evergreen State who was surrounded by students who accused him of being racist because he fought against a bunch of diversity initiatives and programs at the college. Over the last three months both brothers have…
Only because Dems ran Clinton. She was not exactly candidate of the people, and no one believes she was anti pollution. Not even her biggest supporters.
Except for the three million more that voted for her.
The only thing the
West Virginiaelections proved was thattheymost Americans didn’t like Hillary Clinton.
Ahem...not one mention of his primary challenger?
Best way to avoid getting sick on a cruise ship is to avoid going on a cruise ship.
Those are dangerous because of the angle. Cross them at 90* and it’s merely annoying.
Mike Pence’s campaign speech:
Michael Moore said it best when he said that voters used Trump as a political Molotov cocktail to upend the system and show their frustration. 8 years of a Black man in the White House and of various government agencies being ran by Blacks, gains in LBGTQ rights, women’s rights etc made most white people start to feel…
“All I’m saying is if you need somebody to help you, I’m happy to keep your boy warm ...”
No. I’d like to retire one day.
Sorry. They are so bad. On a Chastain note though, I happened across a movie of hers recently called Ms. Sloan, I think. She was pretty good in it. I didn’t know much about her.. but that movie was good.
My mom thought Amen was too stupid to let me watch it, so, of course, I watched it all the time.
So John Amos out here looking younger than his tv son.
If anyone wanted a remotely serious thing on this vein the Punisher as played by Jon Bernthal in the second Daredevil season is simply superior to all other options. Deadly and broken. Beautifully done.
That’s Charlie Hustle for you. So much dedication to the game, he’d play ball even without any grass on the field.