
We actually do have to move on. A significant number of the people who participated have been arrested, charged, and are in process of their trials. Some of the biggest idiots are defending themselves. They’ll get sentenced and this will be remembered as a significant event, but it should be remembered and moved past

0 or 100% vesting seems unfair. I’ve seen stair-stepped vesting amounts over 4 years: 25, 50, 75, 100%, but not a binary.

I know some people longed for him playing Bond, but it never made sense to me. Why would a black person being the face of the spy ring of *the* colonial empire of the modern era be a good thing? Representation?

Leave that with the slim-shouldered, paler folks who have long claimed that dinky little island off the

Ellen Pompeo telling us that Denzel story is like when Liam Neeson told us that story about him wanting to kill a random black man”

These things are not alike.

Why would she try and run state-wide? She’ll wind up losing worse than Bella Abzug. 

I lived down the street from one of these ladies. Generally kind and neighborly, except to one of her next-door neighbors who kept leaving their dog’s sh*t in her front yard. Heard a lot of cursing that on that morning run.

I know it’s not all encompassing, but for check-ups and the like, public hospitals can be useful. They’ll put uninsured people on a seemingly reasonable payment program ($100/mo. or so) and deliver treatment. Many more hospitals today are private and don’t advertise, but if you’re looking for access to somewhat

This all-encompassing obsession with looks definitely has something to do with it. Ed Asner just passed, and while he’s a very masculine looking man (facially at least), no one would classify him as beautiful. Some would consider him handsome, but largely he was a man of good character: Good at his craft, excellent as

People expect anyone with socialist ideologies to disengage from a country whose system is primarily capitalist (obviously we have some socialized elements).

My grandmother always liked going to Hooters because the waitresses would be *extra* nice to her. Since she wasn’t the typical customer who would ogle the staff, they’d chit chat with her a lot and she loved it. I went with her a few times and I got so much attention from being her grandson - it was intoxicating.

The BLM national org has spent so long denying any valid criticism that any wild theory presented by right-of-center news has shaped their audiences views. Even the local BLM orgs wrote a public letter criticizing their practices and it got ignored.

Maybe the nominating committee thought Lumbly and Cheadle were the same guy

This banning is a gesture. Cosby isn’t a comedian who tours comedy clubs. He’s also stated that he doesn’t practice his routine in front of smaller club audiences because he’s done it for so long that he mostly knows how audiences will react, so even “dropping in” for a set isn’t something he does. These clubs are

Looks like this is a way to ease people into 40 and 50 year mortgages through modifications.

The Pickford settlement was one documented example of the govt’s f*ckery (federal, and especially state) when its come to dealing with black farmers.

She released a smart statement, but rejecting an institution/ideology that contributed to her family’s wealth is insignificant compared to giving up all that wealth and getting through that needle’s eye.

People underestimate how clever the racially-charged white population in North Carolina is/was. They have a long history of making decades-long plans to achieve goals. It’s not a universal trait, obviously on the county level people got messy and got caught, but on the statewide level they were a *lot* better at

The media has ramped itself up to need a LOT of material to dole out. A lot of it is needed to keep certain institutions going.

Dominique should publicly refuse to accept and ever patronize the restaurant and any other restaurant in the owner’s group. There’s really no alternative.

This isn’t gonna be a campaign killer. This guy came up in a time and area where shotgun weddings were still common. If it does happen, it’ll leave room to cast a negative light on other relationships many people tend to celebrate:

“The couple met when Mildred (Jeter) was 11 and Richard (Loving) was 17. He was a family