
Alright gang...let’s roll up our sleeves and dissect that last sequence.

That isn’t REALLY what it means. Désolé is used by itself as shorthand for “sorry”, but also as an adjective it can mean “very sorry or apologetic” or “desolate”, AND in its verb form it is actually the past participle of désolér, meaning “to sadden”, “to distress”, or “to be upset”.

It actually is a perfect double or

I disagree. I think that DAVID is the real villain. Or he becomes a villain. And I think future Syd is saving the only person who can kill David, because she has seen a future where he becomes something other than what he is now, and she recognizes that Farouk is the only one who has ever posed any threat to David at

Is it possible that Subset are the best developers in gaming? FTL was one of my favorites ever, but this game is just SO jaw-droppingly tight in pretty much every way. So cerebral, and yet so visceral too...as far as games go, I’ve rarely felt the bottom of my stomach as clearly as I do when I realize I’ve painted

This is pretty much how my first run went, except instead of sassy black women, it was giant web slinging scorpions, and instead of shoving their beau, they were killing children. So like exactly the same actually.

I would argue this game is better than FTL actually. And I LOVED FTL.