Casey Kasem's Frozen Testes

Definite gym rat. First one in the building, last to leave. Eats film for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I mean, rough start for Strasburg though. (By the standards of this series) he got absolutely rocked. Dude didn’t even carry a no-hitter into the MIDDLE innings. 

It’s an escape from reality on Sunday and Monday for several million people. Whether it’s good or not, I have no specific opinion. But that’s the answer. Some people read; some people do the crossword; some people dress up like ancient knights and fight with plastic swords while hopped up on Sudafed and ambien. It’s

Still hurting over the Nats knocking out the Dodgers, but even as a fan, the Nats unholy rotation has been fun to watch. There were only three starts of 100+ pitches in the entire MLB postseason last year. The Nats have three in three NLCS games (and five of the 13 100+-pitch starts this postseason).

...that’s a strangely specific thing to always have said.

It’s like I’ve always said: if you eat a stranger’s ass in the parking lot before the game, your mouth will probably taste like ass afterwards.

I don’t have eyes in the back of my throat, champ.

Excuse you.

And when he went to practice the next day, a small sign hung in the practice facility that read simply: Zach Brown Banned.

I’d like to start a petition.. if the Dolphins go 0-16 then we no longer have to witness the 1972 Dolphins celebrate when the last undefeated team losses... watching them celebrate is insufferable.  

Looks like Peterson finally learned not to go for the switch.

Tough to be an MLB pitching coach when you refuse to work with lefties.

There are dozens of us.

I believe that you hate the Yankees, but do you really expect us all to believe that you are the Rays fan?

There was an old saying about the Braves and their pitching staff whenever the playoffs rolled around in the 90's.

The new and improved tomahawk chop...

they’ll continue to use the music and graphics for the other eight or so innings that Helsley won’t be on the mound

BrUhHh iT’s A jEeP tHiNg..YoU wOuLdN’t UnDeRsTaNd

So you’re just assuming the Pats are going to win the East again? Seems a bit presumptuous given the murderer’s row of opponents they ...*checks schedule*

I fucking live for pre- or post-game handshake drama. Harbaugh vs. Schwartz is the all-time great, then, uhh...was there a Belichick vs. Mangini one, or am I imagining that? Anyway, this is the most invested I’ve been in the NFL in years.