
It's absolutely disgusting that victims of violent crime have to raise money to get their medical bills covered.

"I shall avenge you!"

The problem isn't earning money - it's earning money unjustly off the labor of others with no regard for the social good. Le Guin is an honest laborer who produces things of value, and deserves to be compensated for what she produces. Amazon, while it certainly provides a useful service and does deserve some

What you're doing here, really, is you're attacking her right to demand something most people would label as "simply being reasonable". The divine right of kings isn't reasonable, and neither is an economic system where gains are concentrated at the top. Amazon's treatment of Hachette wasn't particularly reasonable-

To be fair, none of those companies have the power to control and kill people like the federal government does.

When I noticed that he took the Alexander piece personally, I rolled my eyes right out of my fucking head. I really appreciate that you wrote this. It's everything that I didn't have the patience to write coherently.

You're right. I fucked that one up.

I like how your campaign for "journalistic ethics" has taken to targeting advertisers, given that advertiser influence over editorial decisions is the polar opposite of "journalistic ethics".

You're putting yourself out there pretty firmly in this comments section, so I'm forced to ask: why are you not content to simply ignore the media outlets presenting material you don't like? I simply don't understand how attacking publications you don't like is anything but vindictive. I mean... What is the end game

Jesus Christ on a cracker.

Leigh Alexander wasn't talking about you. Hell, she wasn't talking about me (the cis-gendered heteroish white male in our current back and forth).

She was talking about the cesspool of self-obsessed child rapists that have come to dominate "gamer culture" - basement dwelling Hot Pocket

No, it doesn't. It really doesn't.

But you do whatever you need to keep your dreams of self-righteous objectivist me-first consumerist activism alive, buddy.

Meanwhile, those of us who aren't hurt that a woman allegedly had sex with more people than you have brain cells will just have to keep on truckin' through our