
Keep taking it, but some SSRIs can increase anxiety. In some cases, it can progress kind of suddenly, so if you are having more anxious thoughts than usual your doctor should probably be made aware. Call your doctor and/or pharmacy immediately if you start having thoughts that seem paranoid or any thoughts about

They are still taking donations for Clear Eyes Full Hearts Can Choose on here.

There's a ton on Twitter, but maybe it's not elsewhere on the internet yet.

He tweeted the fund asking specifically if he could donate to abort fetuses to exterminate certain races, and got a you can donate here canned response and is now using it as evidence that the fund wants to commit genocide against nonwhites.

It's well over. He matched $11K though. Also, you can still donate.

Tl;dr You're making the whole thing up. My guess is that you're another MRA.

No, I was talking about adults having sex with kids. I don't care if they have consensual sex with each other.

I don't think I would say that to hold someone back from something they want when they are ready is unethical. It happens all the time in life and we accept it. For example, I am ready for a vacation but I can't afford it; a lot of younger adults are ready for management positions that they can't get because a lot of

You can't catch someone at the moment they reach maturity without testing them constantly, and even testing each child just once is ridiculously expensive, and we don't even have enough psychologists to support it. A hard age limit is the only thing that is in any way feasible. A lot of things in life aren't fair,

BDSM isn't about an unequal power dynamic. It's play. Any unequal power dynamic in healthy kink isn't actually real. Come on. Also, hey, while individual children may be more mature, it doesn't really matter, because to get it wrong will fuck up a child for their entire lives, so it's ok to be overly cautious. I am

Boring how someone has to say this every time because people can't be bothered to remember this one thing from high school science classes (really, you should know this shit well before college), that just because two things happen at the same time, it doesn't mean one caused the other.

We can quibble about the ages, but society has to have order somehow, and it doesn't make sense to expend huge amounts of resources to determine the exact emotional maturity of a person before letting them do any of these things. I think you're objecting to this as a way to rationalize harmful behavior. Children that

I was thinking along those lines too. Sexual abuse causes trauma that radiates out from the abuser to victims of abuse and into the wider community, and the effects of sexual trauma can often last for decades or for a lifetime.

No, they are dumb questions. Your first question is asking if statutory rape is rape. I will answer so you don't think I'm being evasive: yes, rape is actually rape.

So strange that over the course of a year, or a month, or an hour, one magically develops the ability to buy a pack of cigarettes, to go to a bar, to join the military, to register to vote, to buy a gun, to take driving lessons, to go to a strip club, to enroll in kindergarten, to be able to run for president, to be

It sounds like he's really overwhelmed and having a tough time processing his emotions. I have so much empathy for him; it really reminds me of my own struggles when I was that age, and I really feel for you as well, because I imagine it's really hard to watch your kid going through all of that not knowing what

I feel like there are valid concerns on both sides of that argument. I do understand where people are coming from when they say they are tired of male feminists expecting rewards for good behavior or for crowding out women's voices. I see this a lot in progressive spaces, especially the second one, and it's really

When you are echoing a bigoted stereotype, you need evidence to back it up or it just looks like more bigotry. When you make a statement that is a harmful generalization like this, you should be prepared for people to question it. This is not a case where anecdotal evidence works.

Right now you're using a common tactic used to discredit feminists: The "you're being too emotional" argument. It's really interesting that you say your opinion "offends my delicate sensibiities" when I described no offense or outrage, I just challenged what you said and said that it fits snugly in with current sexist