
I know that this is a subtle point for an internet forum, but it is okay to question public reverence for all things military without hating the troops. A lot of the reason why Iraq is currently a smoking crater is because the Bush Administration successfully co-opted public dialogue in exactly this manner and was

Fuck you. No one hates the troops. They hate stupid policy. And if you can’t discern the difference, fuck you again.

How else are you going to remember that the NFL is America and America is the NFL?

Apparently the NFL is so, so hurting for money, the US taxpayers subsidize it heavily for their PR-triatism. See for example,

Because Gawker loves to cross-post Jezebel content to Jalopnik and Deadspin content to Kotaku, etc.

The fix is in at Sidespin.

Exposed: The NFL doesn’t “support” our troops. The services pay the NFL so they can stage those wonderfully spontaneous family moments when the GI returns. DoD pays the NFL to “support” the troops.

All these freaking “LOOK HOW HAPPY I AM THAT MY TEAM JUST DRAFTED SOMEBODY I NEVER HEARD OF” reaction shots on NFL Network are sickening at this point. They are making sure every team is represented and that their fans are CUH-RAAAAAZEEEEE.

I’ve been to the Draft. It used to be comic-con for NFL fanatics. Now it’s a marketing opportunity to show how much the NFL supports our troops, how parents aren’t keeping their kids out of football for fear of catastrophic injury, and how their players aren’t wifebeaters and drug abusers—look at all of our “MEN OF

I don’t think the National Anthem ever incensed me as it did when it kicked off the NFL Draft.

This is probably the only shot from today’s draft that didn’t have 15,000 Marines or a bunch of youth league players who ain’t afraid of no concussions behind them.

Nope, and if only that mouthpiece in a suit was a few minutes later...it woulda got even better

Lets review shall we:

See also Siegfried and Roy.

Around here they are, this is gawker, only extremes are allowed. No middle ground. Ever. On anything.

Who said anything about girls? Wasn’t there a guy who studied grizzlies and was mauled by one? It’s human nature to become attached to animals because they’re childlike.

They come from a long tradition of brutal exploitation, so many people do not trust this new raison d’etre.

I was introduced to this article recently:

I dunno what happened to Jezebel since I got re-grayed, but it seems that right-wing apologetics have taken over and a $350,000-per-chair fundraiser—even unholy by Republican standards—is now just “how the sausage gets made”.