
All Browns games should air nationally on Comedy Central.

Guy is mediocrity personified. I imagine him always saying, “that’s good enough just slop it together.” He's not one to raise standards but to lower them. He's a fat loud mouth on the sofa, in his Old Navy sweatpants telling Marge to crack him open another can of beer. That would be Guy.

I liked her intelligence. She's more qualified than Trump.

Bridge of Spies is total Hollywood dreck. Spielberg and Hanks are fluffy dryer lint for the masses and perfect for the low hanging fruit voters behind the Oscars. Can someone resurrect Cassavettes and make a damn good film?

Was he sitting on a toilet dropping a load when that photo was taken? His face indicates that.

Aw that's special. What variety of snowflake are you to think people are interested in your running ?

Feel bad for him but Georgia is a dumpster fire at this point anyway.

He also believes in some make believe sky daddy. He's a nut in a white costume that people worship... Go figure.

A guy in a white costume took a ride in a bubble through a park and much was wasted.

Agreed. Once the scene occurs very early in the film where the mother is feeding only one of the boys and ignoring the other it is all too obvious to figure out the ‘twist.’