
You “The Big Joker is the Guarantee Joker” nyuckas is wrong, wrong wrong. The Big Joker is the BIG. JOKER.

I always ship Darcy and Luis. Still hoping they bump into each other ‘in the hallway’ during one of the Avengers flicks.


I love how quickly things are gif’ed these days.

Afro. Futuristic. Royalty. Dap.

Methinks thou hast been asleep for years anon under yon hill, verily, verily I say, even as the goodbrother Van Winkle did rest so mightily. For to have missed the turn of phrase with which the children and youths do now utter to so vividly and perhaps contrarily describe some kind of incredible display. 

Despite the NES being my first game console, I have never had any real affinity for the vast majority of Nintendo’s IP. I don’t really care about Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros., Kirby, Donkey Kong, Animal Crossing, F-Zero, Star Fox, etc., etc. They’re all fine series’ in their own right, but none of them motivate me to go