Grounded is the new Gritty.
Grounded is the new Gritty.
45.96$/ hour of free time. Something to do with having less free time and I don't mind doing 4 hours of work, and it's not worth to me to spend my own money to have something done. I'd wait an hour for 100$ though...
I stand corrected, and yield to you, sir. I'm the same, everyone has duality to them. As does Goyer, and the Nolanverse movies...... Lesson: sometimes shit isn't as good as we hope it will be, so maybe we should let it play out? I love spoilers, I hate spoilers.
I can't see children wanting to watch these scary fucking, yes, abominations. They look like the results from Himmler's nazi experiments.
DC Studios, should be a thing. WB is terrible. DCU Animated turns out p fucking good animated adaptions that aren't 100% canon and they're good usually. They shoudl be choosier with their licensing in the future. Here's an idea: Marvel studios that understands comics, etc. vested interest. If licensing, etc were…
Sure. I think that at large the fanbase wants an exact copy/live-action version of the comic books. (not me) I agree wholeheartedly.
very. alien. His characters, Batman included, seem very distant from themselves. Driven, yes, but mildly so. Like all the batman intensity is for the interrogations, ie: WHERRRREEE ARE THEYYYYYYYYY? WHERRRRRRE IS THE DETONATORRR?
I think the gold rush, a western, colonial times, roswell/50's NM, los alamos and white sands/manhattan porject WWII would be dope.
FUCK THAT! Exactly. License or not. I'm a nurse and licensed. A cop does that and I'm fighting hard enough to be arrested. Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me.
internet won.
Supertroll trophy. 2nd place.
As evidenced by this: Michael Bay's "Jim Lee's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles".
I get bitched at by everyone I know for this exact same shit. I swear to god. I love Love LOVE Spoilers.
Bad Kids go to Hell.
had this on fucking laserdisc. No bullshit. Just uber-hipstered kinja. I bet my dad still has it.
BAM! Wow this is a great thread. Can't fault any of this logic. Inopportune time for a misspelling, but of a band no one likes. But what a retort.
This is my favorite comment I've ever read on the internet. Ever. You win.
wHAT VIDEOOOO IS THAT !!??1?1?1? I never watch vids, I saw all the clockwork vids that were animated. QOTSA makes my days go by...
Watched these two Ghostbusters films with the kids no less than 3 times a week for the last 3 years. Watched em the day he died...This part of the credits came on and tears....tears.. from me, wife, 5/6 year olds. Just so sad. I'm heartbroken at this loss...