
She didnt kill everyone in House Frey. She killed all the men in House Frey.

I’m hoping Sansa delivers her “the pack is strong” speech from the trailer to Arya and then they hug it out right before gutting Little finger.

He burned Ygritte on a pyre north of the Wall. She ain’t coming back.

I loved the moment right after Tarly’s, when Jaime and Brown gave each other a look that said, “Can you believe this guy? What a dick!”

He definitely told Tywin Lannister because i remember Tywin’s “No shit, Sherlock” reaction.

I thought the best line was the look Jaime and Bronn gave each other when Tarly left after suggesting flogging.

I’ve been wondering just what Cersei and Danaerys’ succession plan is exactly?

Can we talk about the fact that everyone is now dressed exactly alike? The costumes on the show used to have so much personality for every house and locale. Dany and Cersei have practically the same uniform. Too much black.

I made it through a minute of the second video and .5 seconds of the first video. Did anyone beat me? This is like a bull ride competition in a vomitorium.

Yes, he makes his “chaos is a ladder” speech in the show. If chaos was his only plan then he should have sat back and let Jon Arryn expose Cersei and Jaime. That would have been a pretty good batch of chaos. There has to be some other purpose to have his motivations make sense. You could say it was to bump off Ned

Maybe its different in the books but nothing Littlefinger does ever makes sense. Why did he orchestrate Jon Arryn’s murder then tell the Starks it was the Lannisters? What did that get him? Worst conspirer ever.

I appreciate the effort. Really I do. But why should these production companies get tax breaks and be rewarded for doing what they are supposed to be doing in the first place? I want to see prosecutions for blatantly discriminatory hiring practices. How about directing the funds towards the regulators in charge of

You really have to click through to appreciate the majesty of this take down.

As a divorced mother of two, my taxes would definitely go up because he is proposing eliminating the head of household filing status.

I came for the pictures and was very disappointed.

If the goat ran on the Democratic Party platform and all his decisions were made based on which tin can he chose to eat, the goat would still be a better president than Trump.

But I don’t have the flu. What’s my excuse? No onions or dust in sight.

1984 has a happy ending, right? Katniss storms the capital and kills Julianne Moore. I’m sure everything will turn out fine, and this will be just like 1985. #illiterate

Miyazaki understood what the ladies want.

The dragon/boy Haku in Spirited Away? Did I guess right?