
In a capitalist society, you don't educate the prey.

Play with some online investment calculators and get a feel for the magic of compound interest. Then save a decent amount with the best return you can find. I wish I had saved even $5/wk starting in my teens.

Maybe you should think about another career? Maybe one that doesn't involve an "enemy" class of people?

Not that it would explain the epidemic of tax illiteracy, but there are conceivably thresholds you don't want to cross or you might lose a credit or a full deduction. I understand that's not what is going on here though. Brackets, how do they work?

There are so many atrociously ignorant lawyers. It is frightening.

I kind of want the button right now anyway, just to see how it feels. No way I'd forego the button.

Are the pants on or off at this point though? Too much sitting on the pot is bad for rectal health!

If that woman on the train had said, "I'll dig out my charger if you lick this 9v battery" would you have done it? Be honest!

I suppose that's the only explanation. People were already used to ignoring bad smells, so when an extra awful smell came along, meh, it's Tuesday.

I basically agree that being flip on the internet is kind of the antithesis of empathy. But disgust is a human emotion. Expressing disgust can establish and reinforce social mores about hygienic conditions. Disgust is neutral as far as empathizing with this woman. Actually, it's necessary. How can we properly

I started to read that but, man, like, I don't even PubMed. The parts I understood were still very informative!

Isn't it possible to feel both? Is it just the flippant tone that bothers you?

1. I hope this woman isn't facing prison!?

Do the vouchers go directly to the landlord? It's the writing a check or money order on a routine basis that I can't comprehend. I'm imagining a person who doesn't exactly know the date today, knowhatimsaying?

I've never seen an overweight professional figure skater. Your theory must be true!

Do you have some science to support this? I mean, it sounds right, but in the end, isn't the layperson's understanding of such processes just as faith-based and gleaned from trusted, skimmed sources and internet articles?

My unscientific instinct tells me that "toxins" wouldn't be sweated out so much as simmered down to a more harmful concentration. :)

Not all cohabiting elderly mother-daughter pairs? It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue.

I assume some kind of government check is involved, but it does point to a higher level of functioning than the corpse-keeping mental illness of my imagination.

It's true that old apartment buildings have more smell than most residences people are used to. But I once lived in an apartment building above a bodega that was closed down or abandoned or something, and the smell of rotten meat from their tiny refrigerated display case was inescapable for days. I am not sure the