
Is there supposed to be some significance to your misspelling and capitalization of "cane"? Or are you just trying to be certain we all understand you are a misogynistic troll?

Thanks. That's informative.

I never considered that the arresting officers have much to do with determining what statutes the prosecutor will file under, but isn't it their job to be familiar with the criminal laws of their state? It's not as if there are really that many when you get down to it. I would also expect a relatively new upskirting

Why is the FDA so impotent? Are we at pre-FDA adulteration levels yet? Or did we surpass them decades ago?

Gah! You uttered that accursed word—Oreos. Now I can't stop thinking about all those delicious nanoparticles in my pantry.

Someone on a another thread about misogyny (the duke rapist?) said that feminists want to cut men off at the knees.

"it depends on a lot of factors, including the context"

"Steeped in that misogyny 'normal men' treat women poorly and act like assholes towards them but don't go on to kill them."

Trying to push women off a roof seems like an analogous catalyst for an involuntary hold.

Do you think the police would not have investigated a little more closely (or been a little more fastidious in getting the details of the threat they were investigating in the first place) if the subject at issue had been his hatred of police officers? Judges? His co-workers? Bank tellers, or any number of random


$500 doesn't sound like enough for a crime against a person. That's sounds like a bad speeding ticket. You probably get fined more for having tall grass on your property.

I may be a terrible parent but do you know how many times a day I allow my kids to do things even though I already said no?

Save the oppressed women by nuking them!

Murdering Pakistani women with drones is one way to keep them from being stoned to death. Top notch problem solving right there.

Before Where Are They Now, there was only Hollywood Squares and Bert Convy hosted game shows.

We all have our cross to bear. ;)

It's just so predictable, isn't it?

I wish my rack would stay the same when I lose weight. Instead, it's the first to go. It shrivels up faster than the lips of a Looney Tunes character eating alum. Schewwp!
