
Amy Poehler is still in the clear then? I fear it is only a matter of time.

Thanks. I missed that. I chalk these digs up to Cool Girl Syndrome, I guess? I'm disappointed.

Mindy, Lena and ?

The outcome and most of the evidence could not be used in a subsequent legal proceeding. However, a huge caveat is that the statements of either the plaintiff-victim or the defendant-accused about what happened can be used against them as admissions. The statements of the two roommates could only be used to prove

The hard part is distinguishing between people who are deserving of empathy and those who are fundamentally damaged narcissists who manipulate people with empathy. There really is a difference. You can usually see it in the lack of remorse or accountability. I only read the most recent letter from death row, and that

Who gives away a Cadbury egg any damn way?

I am firm in my forever boycotts of Wal-Mart, Chik Fil A, Hobby Lobby, Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, Papa John's, et al. But goddamn it if I can quit Hardee's breakfast! It's my heroin and my nicotine. If they would fix their commercials up, it could also be my porn.

Oh look! You finally got to make the comment you were spoiling for ten comments ago! And you convinced all these other people to pile on the commenter who saw your tired uber logic shit coming from a mile away. This is a real coup for you! Congrats!

This is the funniest comment I've read on a Gawker site all week. Literally laughed out loud. Now I'm just dying to know if it was intentional humor.

Is this true? I just found my next new health kick.

The list of non-consumables given to pregnant women is insane. On top of that, my mother-in-law was adamant that I couldn't have strawberries. That is not even a thing!

Dive bars: Alaska's best source of free prenatal care

I've made an effort and the closest I've come up with is Six Feet Under, maybe. It's usually either attractive across the board or average men/attractive women.

I was honestly wondering what kind of person does a red shirt haircut become in 20 years because that is where I need to focus my okcupid attention. It's not pedo to say that, right?

I wish you had waited to post this next week so I could dance on this show's grave.

This comment needs to be it's own article. And billboard. And t-shirt.

Well, what is the difference?! How dare you leave us in suspense!

I do know they haven't been cast. My irritation made me sloppy. I also knew someone would be along to correct the misstatement, so I didn't edit it. I was looking forward to having this exact conversation. It's been great for me. How was it for you?

I will watch the hell out of anything with Ellen Page and Kate Mara. However, it is a little irksome that the women cast are decades younger than the men cast in the first season. All of them! Was there a single man in his 20's in any episode?

You are taking a job away from someone who needs to be a sanctimonious prig to survive. Is that really fair?