
Four year old grudge? What's your stake in this?

God, I want to say sorry for my part in this shit show. I needed to be told, and I got told. Thank you for that.

I need a job at the Gay Department of Justice. Where should I send my resume?

I don't think we should be watching these kids do these things.

I have always used it for tummy aches and when I want to drink something refreshing yet punishing. You have opened up a whole new world to me. Bless you.

It does ruin you though. I can't drink that other swill having grown up with Vernor's.

I don't know. I have not heard that, but I would not doubt it, since she is actually a human and not a Socratic theory. Is there something particular you have in mind?

Fair enough. You are right. There is a lot to criticize in that regard. I missed your comment expressing that her racism was the problem with her feminism, so I missed your point. Which actually again proves your point. I'm still pleased that these women are openly identifying as feminists rather than dodging it like

Yes, it is what you are doing, by comparing Miley to Beyonce to Lena. Isn't it sufficient for them to say they are feminist and support feminism? How well they perform "feminism" is another issue, and I submit that we all fail in that regard in some way, several times a day.

Is it really necessary to rank celebrities by their feminist cred? No one, save maybe Melissa of Shakesville, is going to live up to some platonic feminist ideal. I support them all, every waxed, bare inch of them.

The Diet Pepsi shilling thread is below. See you there.

Do they pay extra for images and gifs? Btw, my hair has been thick and shiny ever since I switched to diet Pepsi. (I'll take payment in the form of an Amazon gift card please.)

Too bad her GP just took her blood pressure and called it a day. We need x-rays and possibly some invasive scoping procedures.

Seeing colors?! Obvious Pepsi marketing plant is obvious.

It doesn't have that thick syrup that feels like peach fuzz on your teeth and tongue. It has a nice sharp bite and caffeine. It's the least objectionable soda on the market, after diet Vernor's. I like it!