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    When Elon mentioned the autonomous bus that could take people to their final destination I’ve pictured it to look like the recently launched OLLI. Pretty good minimalist design, and wold work well for a private microbus too.But an electric vintage design microbus would be awesome!

    Uhm. Unique lenses with no other equivalent: Sony 135 F2.8 STF bokeh eraser (Only lens with STF tech that makes backgrounds look like color gardients). Carl Zeis 135 F1.8 fastest 135 around. And of course, all the AUTOFOCUSING ZEIS lenses that they have..what other brand mount have autofocusing Zeis lenses? nada. only

    What a waste..it would have been so awesome if the resulting video was awesome..but judging from the teaser..it aint. The wedding videos from the Philippines is generally way ahead of everyone else..even with the mighty Hollywood's. Even the up and coming ones like these guys who use Sony prosumer cameras like the Nex

    If he wasnt an idot he should have just bouaght a Nex Camera with its 16mm pancake f2.8 lens..and set the 1080p video to autofocus. Thats the ultimate GoPro replacement.

    Superweapon training grounds for when they start invading America. What else could it be?!

    Thats why techcrunch kind of sucks a now, I use to love them almost as much as giz, then giz made the redesign and it suck balls so i began going to engadget more, but then josua went away together with all the other writers taht made sense and engadget started becoming shit, so back to giz..which I might add is


    "dammit, why can't we show this video that we just recorded on our iPhone 4 directly on the TV, so we can share clips of our 6-month son with family"

    Not that goodlookin. I still want my n9 with wp7.5!

    This is as good as its gonna get. But i bet you'd have to rave a lot about the new camera on the real review. I hope it can do GoPro level videos.

    Weve had an ala carte cable subscription service for over a year now, starting basic plan is at $6. You add $1.2 for every additional channel. Good times. Im in philippines.

    Giz, I frequent every single reputable gadget site that exists, but you write the best reviews! Really I love how you do shit here. About this longest named ever phone OS Windows Phone 7.5 Mango, its the metro that gets me. I get the same feeling every time I see it like how my jaw dropped the first time I saw

    That's how the best salesmen do it. Superlatives all the way. Steve Jobs. Donal Trump, etc.

    Sony's vaioZ looks pretty good and original, make that .5 in thin and you got a gorgeous winner.

    Aliens!! Aliens I tell you!

    Is that a 5D on a Glidecam?! Niiice!!!

    Look who's talking like a moron, moron.

    This is how I imagine a touch screen iMac or Windows 8 PC will be like! Of course with more pretty.

    I heard before that thgis can record 8K right? Does it? 8k shits on Red's 5K.

    You hippies wouldnt so pro-croc it it ate your dad..or in danger of eating your sister, brother, wife, girlfriend. They are eliminating a danger to human life, which is the most imoortant thing on earth. They intend to put it in acage for more people to appreciate the animal. Its a win win situation.