I need this. But has no monies.
I need this. But has no monies.
And sexy.
Oh god that thing is tiny!!
This isn't the same guy as Snoop Lion, is it?
hahaha "don't talk to me! I'm trying to find it!" ;)
I played through that last night. It was hilarious.
Oh wow. The article I read, back when this stuff was hot news, claimed it to be like I said!! "He said she said" I guess :/
All praise Shane Roberts. Amen.
You mad?
I never said any Call of Duty is greatness.
Has nothing to do with the game, and everything to do with masks. Did you watch with the mute button or something?
Great, another generic comment about first person shooters and the way they do DLC.
Agree. My 360 has been collecting dust for years. Out of nowhere my girlfriend got me a PS3 and I haven't looked back since.
That is bullshit. Gearbox is awesome. You know they subbed the work out to some other developer during Borderlands 2 and when they got the game back it was so broken that they had to re-due almost everything. You could still blame Gearbox for taking too much on, but ultimately the other developer was responsible for…
Pre-purchase price was less than retail? What? I will buy it for $20 maybe $30.
Only took a week for the Dead Island price drop!! Awesome!!