Good point. I was kind of bummed about this being exclusive...but I will take The Last of Us any day.
Ah, yes those are great things over D3. It's been years since I've played the second one. Random dungeons would have been nice.
Now that you mention it, I did miss the ability to finely tune my skill sets. I did notice that over the weekend.
Yeah, I think a lot of the people that hated D3, during the launch time, was due to nostalgia value of D2. I really found nothing to hate on when I played it the other day. I even got kicked off the server multiple times because I was AFK, but I was always just a button click or two away from resuming right where I…
Yeah. I guess I never was really big into it because D3 > D2, in my opinion.
Funny. I started playing D3 on the PC this past weekend again. It was a ton of fun. Previously I had only sunk 30 hours into a witch doctor - playing a wizard now and I have 2 more characters I could play!
Dead Really Big Island: Hell
Could they have just called it "Dead Island: Hell"
Did I miss the 30 cent Super Metroid? I don't even remember seeing it.
Yes, in fact, it is too soon.
Adult players on PS3 -
Oh then the first one will definitely tide (no pun intended) you over until your list goes down. Then at that point the game might only be $20!
I wouldn't bother, if you are ready to drop the money to pick up Riptide, go ahead. You don't really play this game for the story. You play it for the open world zombie melee adventure, IMO.
+1 Dead Space co-op took me by surprise. I absolutely loved it. Runing through with a Dead Space noob, reminded me of all my thrills in Dead Space 1 and 2. I really enjoyed it single player as well. Almost have it platinumed.
I can't wait to see Dead Island Riptide in here!