Nice! Thanks for the explanation.
Hey Shane, I followed you....shouldn't I get some kind of notification when you post? Because I'm not getting anything :(
You need to get laid.
Well this is a bummer. You ripped DS3 a new one too, but not as bad as here, and I really enjoyed DS3.
I fell into the MK hype train hard, and took a week off from work on release week.
What he said ^
Wow. I might actually play my 3DS again.
It's like over 9k when I log in. Damn PC Elitists, always have something to say.
Black Ops 2?
Aint no subscription fee for PSN or Nintendo's network, scrub.
hhahaha oh my god this is amazing. Thank
You're (general you, not specific) being a pussy because you're offended by a video game. I would say the same thing about being offended by a movie and asking for a refund. Yes, the pussification continues.
Pussification of America.
I have nothing to add to this other than; Patricia, I've been enjoying your non-sexist columns lately. Thanks.
When do we get dat Wii U update?
EA has responded with a statement from labels president Frank Gibeau: "The entire game industry is in transition as we build more efficient organizations to deliver games on popular new platforms like mobile....
And just like that, with the flash of some data, my history with Mass Effect ended. Almost like a sudden break-up, and I’d never get closure.