hahah the Jaguar. I loved that thing. I can only remember playing 2 games on it though. Rayman and Aliens Vs Predator.
hahah the Jaguar. I loved that thing. I can only remember playing 2 games on it though. Rayman and Aliens Vs Predator.
Sega has to put a disclaimer like that on all of the trailers because of a lawsuit :)
I have both and a Wii U. Not to distract from your out dated Wii, but ladies, I have the most up-to-date units.
Clunky is the perfect name for it. And yes, I play on the PC. It's still clunky.
That doesn't sound like a good strategy. Use some different 'magics'! The fire grenade is spectacular. The one the boosts enemies into the air is good as well. Melee is super powerful and with the right 'clothes' it becomes pretty strong. Melee people from 30 yards away and set them on fire? Deal.
Seriously, it looked amazing. I was so excited for it.
Yes, but it was camouflaged.
Go home Microsoft, you're drunk with power. Let us see your goodies. We have seen Sony's stuff...
I thought I saw Norton from Dead Space in there too!
Oh my god. Those tunes are amazing.
I bought everything in the shop. It should all arrive in 2007!! UbiPrime FTW