Console design is the most important part of video games? Huh? I'd rather something I could hide, hide all the wires too.
It's like Crackdown, but better. TAKE MY MONEY
That was a fun game.
DS3 was amazing.
Never cared for Minecraft, but I could totally see myself going gamepad only sitting next to the wife before bed sinking an hour into it every night.
The bar in Borderlands 2 that has 2 skags fucking on the fireplace mantle.
hahahah god dammit
:bows down:
You haven't even played DS3.
Patritica forgot to log out of Stephen's profile.
Plants vs Zombies? Bejeweled 3? wat
Uh. If you kill yourself, you lose your points. NOOB
haha me too
If you want to add an ''s'' to ''headquarter'' it's going to cost you a dollar. I will have my paypal ready if you decide you would like to buy a letter.