
That was an awesome article. Thanks Stephen

Pretty much why I haven't bought Ni No Kuni -

That ending music was terrible

I'm here for the cuddling.


God yes. This was so much fun in co-op. It was very 'Dead Space'. I loved every second of it, even with recycled maps. My buddy and I both wished it didn't end as the credits rolled.

I am a robot. I have no feelings.


Anita Sarkeesian

Thanks Patricia! :(

Dirty. Where is infected game mode for Black Ops 2?

haha. Tomb Raider is child's play. Simple platforming, simple puzzles and no horror.


Yeah, the hair looks good in scenes like this. Everywhere else? Not even once.


I want it at $40.

Aren't you supposed to be abstaining from meat on Fridays? YOU AINT NO JESUS

We should go out for some steaks today. You down? My treat.

Ah cool. Downloading the game now, like 4 minutes to go!! I also have Radeon.

Damn. I'm downloading now. I have a Radeon card though. Hope it's ok!! First time back to PC gaming in awhile.