
Great video. Thanks!

FUCK YOU VIDEOGAMER!!! Dead Space 4 life

I am an original fan! Look at my avatar on here. haha. I have platinumed DS1 and 2. One of my favorite series of all time. I even spent a god awful amount of money for the Sideshow Collectible Isaac Clarke statue.

I really really have been enjoying Dead Space 3. :)

Evolution, baby.

We are talking about "hardcore" the mode unlocked after you beat the game, right? The mode where you only get one life... :\

Not if he only had one life.

Terminate Dead Space? Nope.

You're an idiot. Stop reading the internet.

You're a terrible person, and you should feel bad.

Dead Space 3 is fucking amazing. Of course it's different from one and two. If you want those games, go play them. Then play Dead Space 3. I first played through it with a buddy and he had never played the Dead Space series. It was like a flashback for me.

I must watch this series

I felt like Wind Waker was very boring...all that traveling. Aside from that, I loved it.

My first thought.

Very cool way to a trailer. No gameplay, just mo-cap.

Jesus Christ. So now we are sexist for thinking women are attractive? FU Patricia. This is what you have done.


I need this game.

Wow. Holy crap. That is a lot of A+ titles.