
There wouldn't be if one remaining partner didn't want it to. And he clearly didn't. With good reason too since the way he died could have ruined the whole business endeavor. 4 years after Arnold's death Logan mentions that it's impossible to find anything about Fords partner, 35 years after Arnold's death people

How is she supposed to recognize him instantly 30 years later? Especially when she remembers him as her tormentor from present days.

And Fords new narrative based on Arnold's one and on Dolores true story 35 years ago is to lure out any awakened hosts.

It wasn't the first time he saw them as alive, it was the moment when he realized that extreme pain can trigger their self-awakening. 30 years ago He has no idea how come Dolores is different from other hosts, he only sees that she is. Before Maeve drama he didn't believe there was anything he could do to awake host.

I'm not sure Teedy is actually remembering anything. It looks more likely that all his memories related to Wyatt were implanted by Ford as part of his new story. Ford has some practical goal in mind here, I suspect, he isn't simply amusing himself with new story. Maybe he wants to lure out all the Arnold tainted

Scratch that, massacre happened before she met William.

Ratings seem to have bounced up a bit for 706. Crisis is probably over. Unless they do something new to anger and alienate their audience.

Teddy's narrative was always en echo of William's real story, be it his love story with Dolores or helping her massacre the whole town.

They can't take any steps this season because filming is over already.

It definitely was the case during season 5. But this year AL and NR git dramatic rises (from 90 to 650K in AL case), maybe it came with "but we only pay for episodes you're in" clause.

they film 24 in atlanta too and schedules only partly overlap. They can keep Heath as a cool minor character that appears once in awhile regardless of 24 success or failure.

he isnt there anyway. He flies back to UK as soon as he's done and doesn't return unless he must. So, he's really enjoying staying with family during this string of bottles he isn't needed for and it could have been a bonus promised to him during negotiations.

It averaged 13.25 in 6a and 13.01 in 6b.
7.05 didn't even get 11mil.

I don't remember which episode but she's talking to Seizmore and she tells him that Ford dug up some old town and later we see Ford playing with the model of white church just like in that old town.

It was buried because of the massacre and maybe Arnold's death.
It was dug up because Ford is building his new narrative around it.

and the scene of it being the training ground is 35 years ago with all hosts being extra clumsy and stupid.

Dolores was there 3 times
35 years ago when it was freshly built. she massacred the whole town and killed herself. The town was buried as a result
30 years ago with william - the town is still buried, she's in pants.
Present time - town is freshly excavated and empty. She's there alone in a blue dress.

They make those flashback explicit with Maeve but very not explicit with Dolores.

Obviously something awful happens at the end of that 30 year old journey (my guess is Logan gets himself killed) so that William leaves Dolores and goes back to real world to marry Logan's sister. Once she's dead - about a year ago - he goes to park to test his daughter's assertion that he's a phycopath. He kills

she's alone retracing her steps during the journey with william.