Don’t be so critical. Even robots need part donors.
Don’t be so critical. Even robots need part donors.
Everyone knows that robot should of started on an R3. Only squid robots with a lack of common sense start on a literbike
The Blackhawks wouldn’t be so good if the other goalies would just make a few Soews.
I don’t know what TL;DR means, and I can’t figure it out from the context. I just want to point out I can’t be the only one. I would suggest leaving the specific acronyms out of the front page articles. I’m too stubborn to look up what it stands for, but what was wrong with writing the words in this case?
How about some empathy for the Bear? He has been having that recurring nightmare where he shows up to school naked, and now it’s really happening?
/Relationship changed from “Single” to “It’s Complicated”
This gets to a problem that pro sports and its fans have to face. He is a garbage human. But he isn’t educating children for a living, nor a civic or religious leader. He is a pass rusher, and a good one. Should it matter whether or not elite, professional athletes (and musicians, actors, etc) are morally repugnant? I…
What do you think ellipses are?
Project Ithacus. It was a troop deployment concept involving cramming 1200 troops into a capsule on top of an ICBM, then launching them into space (briefly) so they could be quickly deployed to any location on the planet.
I’m really jealous of adaptive cruise control. It’s one of the only new features on cars that I feel I’m really missing (that and good media integration). The idea of not having to fiddle with the buttons because people don’t maintain their speed on hills seems like the Jetsons future to me
You know, as some who has *twice* been rear-ended by dumbasses (both men under the age of 20), the correct reaction is “hooray, I might not have to suffer idiot-induced whiplash again”.
If there is a just god in this universe, she was yelling “What are thooooooooooooooose?!”
Damn you for making me use my QR scan app.
I never thought I would read an article about the Packers/NFL with the phrase “bears repeating” in it. Different context, sure, but as a CHI fan it was a nice moment. Thanks for that.
“NFL Owner” is a bad look when their average accomplishments amount to “not enough DWI’s for a felony conviction yet” and “too fat to need a coat.”
You’ll see better football too.