
The joke is not on the people of Flint.

This is a pretty tame sign, honestly.

Nothing wrong here. Jokes are fun. Lighten up you fucking puritans.

Found the token.

Samer, I feel foolish telling you this, but this joke is not about the Flint water crisis, nor is that what makes this joke offensive.

That’s actually a p. hilarious sign.



I didn’t see anyone kick anyone in the head...am I kissing something or is this article click bait?

Why the hell are they letting someone who has just had a brain injury play football?

He just lifted the guy’s head with his foot - didn’t kick it, you fucking tool.

Click bait much? So he didn’t actually HAVE A brain injury, he was already injured and Tillery kicked him. Dirty? Absolutely. But let’s not be so overdramatic.

Not much of a “kick.” More of a “shove.”

That’s a kick?

Maybe my gif was in slow motion but was that really a kick? seemed more like a foot push to me

He can simply rescind the ACE permit, which was fast tracked past the normal procedures in the first place.


This is a good reminder that even under one of the most liberal presidents of all time (how he is percieved anyway. Maybe someone else was actually more liberal) the system is still FUCKED.

The whole country is supposed to be a free speech zone. What is Obama doing? His silence is egregious.

What kind of idiot makes light of this situation? No, this is Obama’s America.. Well our America. Anyways, I hope the take the Army Corps of Engineers request and tell them to shove it up their ass. DAPL is a domestic enemy of the people and I sincerely hope they are all treated as such.