
But really, I have a hard time being surprised. Not that is was him specifically, but that any highly regarded creator in the anime industry got busted for child porn, considering how prevalent lolicon culture is in that circle. The only surprising part, was that it took this long.

Oh, definitely. The Roy Moore scandal in Alabama definitely shows that deeply religious Americans have no problem with underage girls getting sexed up by an older pervert, as long as he’s “godly.” The U.S. has a real problem with this in the south west. There are hundreds of breakaway cults where religious figures

What in the everlasting Jesus is going on with these comments? I’ve never seen so many pedophilia apologists in one place.

When someone possesses child porn, actual children are harmed to make it. It doesn’t matter that he’s not the one raping them, or groping them, or assaulting them. They are abused as part of the product he consumes. Whether it’s parents or guardians abusing the children in their care, or strangers trafficking the

Ahh, not him too.

Oh, so he’s the one manga author who’s actually been caught with it because they were looking. There’s so much loli/pedo manga, even in ‘normal’ magazines, where the artists are WAY too interested to not have ‘references’.

He’s nowhere near my fave. One tourney doesn’t make or break the BEST overall. It makes you the best that DAY, on the MOST IMPORTANT day, sure. But we’re talking about who’s the best in the overall meta of the game. And that is undoubtedly, Punk.

Despite losing that day during Evo, it is unquestionable that Punk is currently the BEST Street Fighter player. He’ll come back, undoubtedly. He has very little competition. He just ended up fighting someone who had an INCREDIBLE run that day.

I’m tired of “The hero’s journey” archetype being used to excuse shitty characters and plots.

I cannot believe 100m dash is not in the must watch. IT IS THE Olympic event.
P.S: Relays are way more interesting than 400m.
But well, that is just my humble opinion.

I swear, every time they release a new one it seems like they didn’t fix any of the balance issues. I mean, why would anyone pick any other class than Simone Biles? They’re top tier in all stats AGAIN. They had four years, and they actually buffed her stats.

For those of you in the states the Olympics is what NBC would occasionally show in between all that never ending coverage of swimming.

Easier for the women. Loads of countries in the world don’t support women athletes properly so they’re competing against a shallower talent pool.

Just you.

I didn’t take it that way. Trump doesn’t have a monopoly on wanting your country to be great. I was really proud of Melo and I’ve been a pretty ardent Melo hater forever.

Demarcus Cousins broke into to tears after the sudden realization that the next time he would play basketball it would be for the Sacramento Kings:(