
The conventional wisdom is that “the Force is in and around all living things” so everything is at least a little bit Force-sensitive. But Force-insensitives (the majority) are people whose ability to interact with the Force is so microscopically small that there might as well not be a Force to them. Huyang has been

Kinja is refusing my star, so internet high five it is.

I think it’s weirder that he’s on a military ship. Why does she have her kid on a warship?

I agree about it being a deep cut, and Luuke was always a bit of an eye roll moment, even in the EU, but I honestly don’t think the explanation would be that confusing. They could just have Baylan Skoll explain that he found Luke’s hand on Bespin and created a clone of him using some Caminoan tech they found locked

He’s a vat grown clone of Ezra, that has been altered with Sith alchemy to be faster, stronger, more force-sensitive, and tougher than his unwilling genetic progenitor.  In fact in all ways, he’s Better Than Ezra.

I want it to be Luuke.

They haven’t... yet (other than as artwork in Thrawn’s old quarters).

Here’s why Sabine being weak with the Force matters in a Thrawn plotline:

Yes, Kinja is even more broken than it’s ever been. Stars will show up after you refresh, too.

Some notes on the near-Japanese used in Sabine’s training:

It’s actually one of the better 3D films I’ve ever seen, was very impressed with it. 

As someone who saw it in a theater back in 1993, I still remember it vividly. You had to be there. It was a cinematic moment for everyone because no one had seen anything like it. Dinosaurs actually looking like it was real.

Oh man, Jurassic Park’s original run in theaters is still the best movie experience I’ve had ever. No other title has beat the perfect storm of incredible (breakthrough) filmmaking and great audience reactions. Endgame is a slightly distant second, I think.

I mean, that’s pretty much inevitable unless we abandon ai entirely

That said, if 3D is the only option available, I’d still recommend it -- it’s the most incredible post conversion Ive seen to the point it almost feels like it was shot natively for it. I’d still take a 2D screening and all the color popping that comes with it, but for anyone who has not seen it on a big screen ever,

Agreed. I saw the 20th anniversary 10 years ago (fuck how has it been 10 years) in an IMAX without 3D and it was phenomenal. I was much too young to see it in theaters originally, so this was a treat. The movie holds up so well, and the sound in particular just sticks with you. I still remember that t-rex roar to this

Yep. The legal strategy really seems to be, “Delay in the hopes that he can pardon himself before a judgment is made.”

I would guess this is a simple disconnect between the legal department and the engineering department that does job interviews and trade shows. I was also under the impression that because of ITAR/EAR, employment was contingent on US Citizenship. The definitions of what’s allows are buried quite far down in the

The religion was literally created to be co-opted, just by and for the Bene Gesserit. That’s literally the job of the Missionaria Protectiva. That probably makes it worse, not better. It’s really just another thing that they created specifically to gain power and control that backfires on them, like the Kwisatz

Eh, I kinda felt like Pellaeon was just an expository device to have Thrawn explain things to the reader, with little personality or agency of his own. Obviously a necessary thing with a character like Thrawn but really anybody could stand in.