
I’d like to see GdT do God Emperor. He’s one of the few out there I really think would do the concept justice.

They already did that. Shouting & commenting that the voice of Rick was off on the last promotion.

I finally got around to reading that book a couple of years back, and I think it’s probably adaptation-proof.

Villeneuve has said that Messiah would be his last Dune, since that’s essentially the end of Paul’s story. I don’t think he’s as interested in Leto II.

Really, because I thought he nailed the book character pretty well.

i think, assuming the strike gets resolved in time and allows the mega-stars to promote it, dune 2 could be huge. more than 1.4 billion huge? i doubt it, but i think it’ll be the last big hit.

Canada seems too much more the same in a world where borders are not really a thing.

Easiest would be just following that Native American couple around all “slice of life.” Graham Greene talking about how he wishes they still made pop tarts and Elaine Miles making fun of him. “What’d you do today?” “Watched one of those infected chase a rabbit around the back yard for a while until it got tangled in

Remote conferencing software’s been around for well over twenty years, and its primary use case and sales pitch has always been tying far-flung locations together, ie: offices in multiple countries, clients in other states, etc.

It’s called “eating your own dog food.”

The writer minimum per show is a curious one from across the pond. A hell of a lot of UK shows, sitcoms especially, are written by one person, two or three at the utmost.

I get that a lot of American series have historically had a much higher episode count and in that instance more writers were needed, but as a lot of

The new formulations coming out for batteries might change things quite nicely.

That’s the problem right now though. Nothing is livelier. It’s all fractured. One area of interest/community you’re into might be active on one app but its a desert on the others. And no place so far that I’ve seen has a good mix of everything. Maybe that will change as these Twitter replacements become more and more

I feel incredibly lucky. On day one of being on Hinge I found my absolute soulmate (was her first day too). We’re getting married next month and we couldn’t be happier!

as it should be, if a human being is editing and selecting then it’s no different than a writer using a reference library or google to look up facts and plot ideas.  If the use of any assistance at all prohibited copyright then nothing could ever be copyrighted.

The problem is really with the bunch of pro-choice people who still constantly vote Republican because of the siren song of lower taxes. Sadly, there seems to be a pretty big demographic that will NEVER find reproductive freedom as compelling as hoarding that extra bit of cash.

There’s some material to adapt. The birthday gift. The hunt for guitar strings. Abby meeting Owen (which, admittedly, takes place before Joel’s massacre, but could be retconned). Abby making it from SLC to Seattle and the WLF.

Yes, I think a lot of the Luddites were pretty much thugs that just enjoyed breaking stuff and causing chaos. But they claimed a higher purpose to justify their chaotic tendencies.

You’re saying Barron is “bigly” now?

Bamn - Oceanside!