
If enough people want to live there and can afford to move there and live there, then you’ve got a colony. The light-lag is only about 30-40 minutes - folks could literally remote work from Mars for many jobs. 

Dumb. European train lines have had one-man trains for years, and there’s no impact on safety because of Positive Train Control. Most US lines have had that for years as well, but lobbying by the rail workers’ unions has held up the shift to one-person trains here. 

We really need some cheaper battery packs for these. It’s disproportionately high as a percentage of cheaper EVs especially. 

If he tries that, Mexico should reply by saying that they’ll speed any migrants passing through to the border, and refuse to accept any deportees or deportation flights. 

I hope they kept it as a period piece. One of the reasons it works is because of the time period - you can imagine some insignificant small town dropping off the map in the 1970s as part of the overall wave of economic change and dislocation, becoming just a haunted place that the locals know to avoid and a creepy

This. People used to joke about Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy launches blowing up years back - nobody does that anymore, because the development process works and the early failures paved the way for heavy re-use and present day success.

Yep, it’s more about cost-effective re-use than re-use in general. The Shuttle was partially reusable, but the end result was more expensive than it would have been to use disposable rockets (or first-stage reusable ones if the technology allowed) and capsules.

Fortunately, they can do a bunch of flights. I figure they can probably get at least 3 more this year, and maybe more. Next flight will probably do even better.

Some of those weren’t surprising. RDJ was basically a lock for best supporting actor for a while, and it’s partially his performance and partially one of those “lifetime achievement” oscars where they’re rewarding somebody who is a great actor even if’ it’s not really their best role.

I’m thinking the Koopa Kids show up, bust Bowser out of jail so they can get him to command his army to help them (after which he ends up back in a cage and becomes anti-villain-ish for the rest of the movie), and then fight Mario & Friends.

I like the change with the Chani ending, and I have an idea of where they’re going with it. In the book Dune Messiah, there’s this whole subplot where Chani is being covertly fed contraceptives because the Bene Gesserit really don’t want any children from her and Paul fucking up their breeding program - and Paul knows

He was way younger than I thought. DBZ has been so prominent in anime so long that I figured he must be ancient by now - but he wasn’t even seventy. RIP.

there’s a chance that any space activities could be difficult, if not impossible, for several generations.

The problem with the Apple Car is that no major automotive company wanted to go all-in on a lasting partnership with them, and they were apparently too cheap to use either borrowed money or part of their 11-figure cash hoard to simply buy one.

For an overseas flight, just make sure you’ve got Roaming Data turned off if you’re going to not put your phone on airplane mode. That’s the main risk there.

Big fan of any satellite startups, and credit to her for not getting sucked into a small launcher startup with dismal prospects.

There’s been a version of this for crypto/NFT stuff for a long time - just mentioning a crypto-related word will get spam bot replies designed to steal login information if you foolishly click on them. 

the filmmakers come up with a narrative full of all the musical biopic cliches.

I’ll probably enjoy it as well. There’s some good potential there, and I’m definitely looking forward to them building up Harren the Black as a truly awful bastard before he and his heirs get roasted in Harrenhal. 

I’m definitely interested in seeing their take on Asshai, with the whole “lost his love and half his crew” thing.  Maybe they’ll do something like having him try and sail up the river into the Shadow, plus just generally making the city massive and creepy as hell.