
From all the horrible pre-installed-can’t-get-rid-off iOS apps I recently fell in love with Wallet. I don’t know why only now, maybe because it was sitting in a icon folder on the very last screen with all the “Tips” and apple watch and other apps I never use, but I started again traveling a lot more, and since these

I was so far lucky, I am using Evernote for 2+ years now and so far never run out of freebie Premium points. “Deutsche Telekom” companies - called mostly T-Mobile had a 12month promotion - simply logging in to evernote while on a pay-monthly contract through their mobile network granted 12 months of premium (even

from the profile looks like A8, front reminds me Skoda Superb

I just came here to say I bought the uglier 650S in 2012 exactly because it DOES NOT have the round headlight, which made it overall better looking for me :)

the problem with the mobile versions are that 99% of android ones are either not working properly, or a running some kind of crapware and collecting your data. Adblock for example on Android is a piece of shit.

and when do they plan to actually sell this car? Because I remember they wanted to have this car out actually before the Guilletta was out, and that car is out for 6 years or so. My colleague has one for 5 years (he actually won that one in TV show), and the car was serviced more often than DeMuro’s Range Rover.

I don’t get it how people still think height is the limitation to fit behind the wheel of certain cars. There are two main factors - size of your ass is first and size of your fat belly is second. But people, who are overall let’s say “not fat”, just have the dad bod or how you call that in US, can fit pretty much

if you run 8.1 then LaBeouf it now! if you run 7, and feel comfortable then I would not rush it if you don’t feel like it. Don’t miss the 1 year period for a free upgrade tho.

not necessarily for FO4, but it had significant weight in my decision process, but I bought a desktop with 980ti and i7 6700, and the difference between PC game running on ultra and xbox one version is probably the smallest I ever saw. The game visuals look and feels old. Everybody loves this game because it is fun to

are the visuals exactly the same or does the game benefit from better hardware?

I don’t get it. The problem is the cars are polluting more shit into the air. The “40 times more” is a bullshit, your stupid teenager son maybe does floor it on Friday night when he steals your keys, but the cars are hardly worse than 10 year old cars. So what if we would say to VW that instead of throwing pennies at

my dear US gamers, is it the same over the pond with the game prices?