He sounds like his tongue is bigger than his hands.
He sounds like his tongue is bigger than his hands.
Does he have too many bottom teeth? Asking for a friend.
No one does that much sniffing without a coke problem.
Final stats. Zero games. One steal.
222,000$ may seem like alot but hear me out, i think this is the deal of the century.
I’m 33 and my highlights would be the interesting ways my children have vomited, urinated, drooled, sneezed and defecated on me.
my god, i love everything about this post. i want to buy something old and safari it now
To be fair, Cracked doesn’t understand 95% of what they make articles and videos about
OK, I’ll ask. What’s a ship-and-shore jacket?
Before I comment on the jeep, I want to make it clear I have the utmost respect and admiration for what this man did. Grossly underweight, riddled with parasites, blood poisoning, and shot 5 times and he still got through the most fortified and militarized border on Earth? Seriously, somebody find him something importa…
Can’t. Stop. Watching.
I come from a family of cleaning fanatics
Not one to be outdone, LaVar Ball has decided that his next child will be named LaBall Ball.
I don’t know him but he had an easy-going presence and sold the Mercedes bit very well.
Counterpoint: IKEA is the best furniture store because you don’t have to talk to a human being while you’re there.
Any furniture store.