
not a bad idea...but was the tech planning on eating IN the car? I’m OK with them stopping by to pick up food on their way. I think making them take a separate trip to get food is just too much of an inconvenience for the tech. I’ll respect the tech, and I trust the tech will respect my stuff.

sPeCiaL Edition. I really hate that term - it isn’t special enough to think that its better than anyone else’s

I was really close to NP, but I feel that $2500 is more NP. $3500 isn’t CP, but elicits a GLWS from me.

I’m really curious about that as well.

I kinda like them as well. Of course newer is nicer, but hell, it would be fun. I’m OK with the V6, don’t need to be completely over the top. However, the beige interior killed it, and the red trim pieces. CP

I was in the same camp. More cars need to be chopped.

HEY! The lead photo/station was taken right around I live!

Yeah, $122k isn’t everyman level. I’d be on board with starting price of $67 for a Dino (competing with the Cayman). Ferrari doesn’t really get me dreaming that much anymore. Dangle the carrot with something attainable, then I may consider the brand. In the end, Ferrari doesn’t stand for exclusivity to me...you

or beds.

I was just thinking about a loud exhaust this morning, and dreaming, once again, about the straight-pipe Volvo S80. I’d love to have that Volvo with an option to open and close a butterfly valve.

I love this car so damn much. Well, not this particular one, but this body style. This and a Z4 MCoupe take up two stalls in my dream car garage.

Nope. I assume it hasn’t been properly prepared, or something else is going on. The correlation is too strong, but causality could be misaligned.

You’s are my people. The Mrs. does the same thing. She stopped loading because she was offended that I rearranged what was loaded.

tell that to my wife.

I feel like you’re in my head. I didn’t have to carefully word my own comment!

Oddly enough, every time I’ve had hollandaise sauce, I end up getting sick. I avoid it every time now.


I feel like there had to have been others. For someone to be in that position for a year and have this all planned and executed is seriously amazing. It would have to have been pre-planned. Did he start at VW in 2015? or did he work this plan as a way of moving up?

That’s not a flaw, but a feature. There’s several advantages to this. 1. This improves cornering, much like an early predecessor to the Ford drift button. 2. The passenger is able to get out of the vehicle faster to go scalp some Nazi’s.

Oddly enough, the truck is white. [/s]