I’m not black so I can’t speak to the specifics of feeling like a black character in a game strikes the right chord or feels right. (But I understand it’s important, so I’m happy to see games like this pulling it off!)
I’m not black so I can’t speak to the specifics of feeling like a black character in a game strikes the right chord or feels right. (But I understand it’s important, so I’m happy to see games like this pulling it off!)
If it’s any help, I reported a facebook post which stated that black people were cockroaches. As I was reporting it, I chose hate speech, as the example listed next to the option was “for example, comparing members of a race to insects.”
White people aren’t oppressed period.
The Venn diagram of people offended by the term cracker and people who have absolutely dropped a hard r n-bomb is a circle.
You’d be surprised how often the “I’m not racist, but...” crowd makes this exact argument for words that have a much sharper edge.
that’ll do, Nathan.
Cracker is not a racial slur. It is a class slur. It is a word that’s entire history is upper class white people attacking lower class white people. It has been adopted by non-white people, but for the same exact reasons, of denigrating a social class. Bougie is also not a racial slur. City Slicker is not a racial…
Why should anyone adhere to any “rule” that prevents hitting back against one’s oppressors? Those “rules” only exist to keep people oppressed.
Slurs are connected to oppression. White people are not oppressed for being white.
I think the issue is that while we can see the distinction, Twitch doesn’t.
Whether or not you want to admit it, cracker absolutely has negative connotations.
“Cracker” is as much a ‘slur’ as calling someone short.
The problem is, a human being is not in the best position to establish their relative position in punching up or punching down. Bias is going to play a big factor there
The fact is that yes, he used a slur. No, that’s never a good look.
They don’t even see the irony. The moment they aren’t being catered to above others, they’re all up in arms. “I shouldn’t have to press 1 for English!” “Say Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays!” “I bet they’d be up in arms if there was a show named White-ish!” They can’t fathom that are society inherently benefits…
As a FDA certified saltine myself, god white people are so fucking fragile.
I find it alarming that fans of an alleged rapist would threaten that person’s victims, rather than question their devotion to someone. That Warner could be put away but Wood still remain at risk because some yahoo might try something is deeply distressing.
Nothing comes between me and my outrage from 35 years ago!
Not if you played it lol.