Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope

Even with the prosecution’s issues, the judge was not having anything that might convict Rittenhouse. The victims he shot had to be called ‘rioters’ or ‘looters’. Leading applause for a defense witness on Veteran’s Day. Letting egregiously incorrect technical information determine admissibility of evidence (also on

Uh huh. So how much did you spend on ugly monkey pictures and how many of them are in this torrent.

Here come the Crytapologists!

Keep simping for Democrats. I’m sure it’ll pay off eventually.

It’s adorable that you actually believe that. I bet you believe that they want to do a $15 minimum wage and universal health care too, and that mean ol’ Joe Manchin is the only reason why we don’t have them. 

Didn’t a republican just blame porn and video games for aggression or something? I guess anime is ok though

I mean try it at your job with one of your colleagues, if you’re feeling certain about that position.

Just a friendly reminder that daytime American television hardly censors violence (headshots, torture scenes, Deadpool getting ripped in half are all perfectly OK), but if someone sees a glimpse of a female nipple it’s a catastrophe and won’t someone please think of the children. Our priorities are really fucked up.

9/11 was the 9/11 of the culture wars.

justin timberlake continuing to get dragged through these documentaries

This is doubly weird for me, since I’ve always referred to 9/11 as the wardrobe malfunction of America’s foreign policy.

This ranking is by “hours played”. Unless they put out “play multiplayer for 20 hours a day for the rest of your life!” exclusives, they’ll never show up on this list, no matter how “system-selling” they are.

A lot—I would venture to say most—of the reaction I’ve seen to this on the leftie corners of the internet has been along the lines of “Oh noes, Lovato took too many drugs and now they are insane”. People tripping over themselves to excuse this shit should probably remind themselves that Lovato definitely isn’t

David Icke is on Gaia. He’s the originator of the “Jews I mean Lizard People run the world” conspiracy theory. Whether Lovato knows or wants to admit it, she’s taking money to espouse deeply racist conspiracy theories. Alex Jones doesn’t get a pass from me for doing that; I’m not going to give one to Lovato just

I find claims of lizard people to be rather Icke.

Enemy is definitely one of his underrated and less mentioned movies. Sadly, I also don’t see him making something like that or Incendies for a while. Same as how Christopher Nolan hasn’t done something smaller like Insomnia once he became TDK trilogy famous.

For real, I though this was a joke when I saw a screenshot of the post. 

What the hell is this guy talking about? All I did was point out that him looking at trick or treaters doesn’t equate to scientific research and now he’s trying to psychoanalyze me.

“Your personal anecdotal experiences mean nothing! But MY personal anecdotal experiences are absolute proof of whatever I want them to be!”