Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope

I remember that! I remember when he repeatedly mansplained at a literal expert

We get it.  You hate people that like Tarantino movies. Forrest Gump is still Hallmark movie trash

It's interesting you assume everyone would do terrible things if they were given permission 

Yep and that's pretty fucked up of them

Nope, I just inherently don’t trust grown adults that want to spend a lot of time with twelve year olds.

Nope. Would maybe find them professional help but wouldn’t hang out with a twelve year old a bunch, no.I don’t have an opinion either way about the parents but there is almost a zero percent chance that this was just Miller trying to help a kid

Yeah, I know when I was in my early 20's I spent a lot of time with twelve year olds. Nothing at all suspect about that

Why do you think you speak for literally everyone? Regular viewer here. Vastly prefer weekly drops. Your preference is yours. It's not universal. 

Oh hey this guy knows what benefits and doesn’t benefit everyone and it's  totally not based on his own personal preference

It's crazy how many times you were wrong in that post considering how long it is

This sums up how I feel exactly 

No no, we’re definitely just mindless sheep puppets that do whatever TV stations and streaming services tell us to do. You’re only not a puppet if you binge TV shows. It’s just science


People care about binge show spoilers but not weekly show spoilers? Lol

Yep. It’s fun for lots and lots of people to discuss shows with people while waiting for the next. It’s cool that you prefer to binge. But people enjoying the wait seems to really upset you, though, so that’s funny at least

People in Lincoln are likely more intelligent than your lousy joke

I mean, I guess ripping off kids is a valid reason for Gamestop to exist 

The last time I ever went to a Gamestop, an employee openly mocked my intelligence for not signing up for their membership thing

That's your response to a story about a company that abuses their employers this much, huh?

I guess Neve Campbell has been saying she won't be in it at all