Nope Nope Nope Nope Nope

And those that would prefer to ignore articles about the disgusting piece of shit they admire can by all means ignore them forever 

He "apologized" and then did a bunch of stand up about how unfair it is that this happened to him, so....

I mean, if a former co-worker I hated tweeted similar condolences at me, I really wouldn't like it 

Sorry about my snotty replies earlier. I didn't see how much you turned around on this. My bad

You weren’t trying to sound insensitive? Holy fuck. You have some work to do

People definitely got raped and tortured that day so your experience is stupid and you’re a baby for complaining about it

Fuck off

After repeatedly refusing to accept a female lawyer's expertise on legal matters awhile back, I'm kind of amazed to see how ridiculously self-righteous you can be.  

Found the wife beater

Cancel culture is what people that support awful famous people call it when people that don't support awful famous people say things about how awful the famous person is

Haven't seen jokes almost exactly like this for months or anything 

I guess we have different ideas on what pretty is

And Richard Gere is pretty?

I just think he’s incredibly unfunny and not really all that talented 

I’m sorry. Are you saying the articles against hate speech are bad because they might push violent bigots into violence? Cause like, it's the actual hate speech that's doing that

Even if this is an act, the amount of time spent on it is definitely a trait of a miserable person 

If you don't like people's criticisms of Ricky Gervais, maybe don't read the article, snowflake

Yep, no one should ever discuss hate speech.  If no one says anything it'll just go away!

Awwwwww the white cis hetero man is sad about being picked on much

If he went on an anti-black person tirade and then said just kidding,  I support black rights, would that be ok?