How have you gotten to whatever age you are without understanding why people call this phobic?
There it is. You’re just a straight up hateful bigot.
Conversely, people get to not support bigots and call hem out on their bigotry
Please show us your Breitbart links
Calling trans people rapists is a totally reasonable discussion about a hot button issue
Definitely listen to the unbelievable asshole that equates autism and stupidity
I didn’t say I accept defeat or wouldn’t fight. I got the impression from you post you didn’t think it was as bad as it is. I was probably wrong
Your analogy sucks is my whole point
Your optimism is kinda scary
I figured you probably wouldn't understand why what he does is harmful
“I'm Team TERF". "Gender is a fact"
I can't believe how fucking stupid Dave Chappelle fans are
This is some deeply embarrassing shit
Says people need to grow thicker foreskin and then awaits immature responses
I mean, if he says it in.ftont of millions of people, he would but that's not actual reality
That's a really bad analogy
Way to minimize the fact that his "problems about biology" is literally hateful anti-trans garbage. Just say you don't give a fuck about trans people
Do you actually not know what TERF means, you stupid motherfucker?
The fact that you really don't give a fuck about trans people is the scary part, though